Introducere curs SQL Server
Acest curs este conceput pentru a introduce participantii in limbajul Transact-SQL. Acesta este conceput astfel incat in primele trei zile sa poata fi predate cursantilor informatiile necesare pentru alte cursuri din curricula SQL Server, iar in zilele 4 & 5 se predau restul de abilitati necesare pentru a lua examenul 70-761.
Calendar Curs MOC 20761C: Querying Data with Transact-SQL deschise (cu date fixate in avans)
Pentru perioada 06 Decembrie 2024 – 06 Martie 2025
La absolvirea cursului SQL Server vei sti:
- Describe relational databases and Transact-SQL queries.
- Describe the on-premise and cloud-based editions and versions of SQL Server.
- Describe how to use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to connect to an instance of SQL Server, explore the databases contained in the instance, and work with script files that contain T-SQL queries.
- Describe the role of T-SQL in writing SELECT statements.
- Describe the elements of the T-SQL language and which elements will be useful in writing queries.
- Describe the concepts of the set theory, one of the mathematical underpinnings of relational databases, and to help you apply it to how you think about querying SQL Server
- Describe predicate logic and examine its application to querying SQL Server.
- Explain the elements of a SELECT statement, delineate the order in which the elements are evaluated, and then apply this understanding to a practical approach to writing queries.
- Describe the structure and format of the SELECT statement, as well as enhancements that will add functionality and readability to your queries
- Describe how to eliminate duplicates using the DISTINCT clause
- Describe the use of column and table aliases
- Understand and use CASE expressions
- Explain the fundamentals of joins in SQL Server
- Write inner join queries
- Write queries that use outer joins
- Use additional join types
- Explain how to add an ORDER BY clause to your queries to control the order of rows displayed in your query’s output
- Explain how to construct WHERE clauses to filter out rows that do not match the predicate.
- Explain how to limit ranges of rows in the SELECT clause using a TOP option.
- Explain how to limit ranges of rows using the OFFSET-FETCH option of an ORDER BY clause.
- Explain how three-valued logic accounts for unknown and missing values, how SQL Server uses NULL to mark missing values, and how to test for NULL in your queries.
- Explore many of the data types SQL Server uses to store data and how data types are converted between types
- Explain the SQL Server character-based data types, how character comparisons work, and some common functions you may find useful in your queries
- Describe data types that are used to store temporal data, how to enter dates and times so they will be properly parsed by SQL Server, and how to manipulate dates and times with built-in functions.
- Use INSERT and SELECT INTO statements
- Describe the types of functions provided by SQL Server, and then focus on working with scalar functions
- Explain how to explicitly convert data between types using several SQL Server functions
- Describe how to use logical functions that evaluate an expression and return a scalar result.
- Describe additional functions for working with NULL
- Describe the built-in aggregate function in SQL Server and write queries using it.
- Write queries that separate rows using the GROUP BY clause.
- Write queries that use the HAVING clause to filter groups.
- Describe where subqueries may be used in a SELECT statement.
- Write queries that use correlated subqueries in a SELECT statement
- Write queries that use EXISTS predicates in a WHERE clause to test for the existence of qualifying rows
- Use the EXISTS predicate to efficiently check for the existence of rows in a subquery.
- Write queries that return results from views.
- Use the CREATE FUNCTION statement to create simple inline TVFs.
- Write queries that create and retrieve results from derived tables.
- Write queries that create CTEs and return results from the table expression.
- Write queries that use UNION to combine input sets.
- Write queries that use UNION ALL to combine input sets
- Write queries that use the EXCEPT operator to return only rows in one set but not another.
- Write queries that use the INTERSECT operator to return only rows that are present in both sets
- Write queries using the CROSS APPLY operator.
- Write queries using the OUTER APPLY operator
- Describe the T-SQL components used to define windows, and the relationships between them.
- Write queries that use the OVER clause, with partitioning, ordering, and framing to define windows
- Write queries that use window aggregate functions.
- Write queries that use window ranking functions.
- Write queries that use window offset functions
- Describe how pivoting data can be used in T-SQL queries.
- Write queries that pivot data from rows to columns using the PIVOT operator.
- Write queries that unpivot data from columns back to rows using the UNPIVOT operator.
- Write queries using the GROUPING SETS subclause.
- Write queries that use ROLLUP AND CUBE.
- Write queries that use the GROUPING_ID function.
- Describe stored procedures and their use.
- Write T-SQL statements that execute stored procedures to return data.
- Write EXECUTE statements that pass input parameters to stored procedures.
- Write T-SQL batches that prepare output parameters and execute stored procedures.
- Use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to write a stored procedure.
- Create a stored procedure that accepts input parameters.
- Describe how T-SQL can be dynamically constructed.
- Write queries that use dynamic SQL.
- Describe how Microsoft SQL Server treats collections of statements as batches.
- Create and submit batches of T-SQL code for execution by SQL Server.
- Describe how SQL Server stores temporary objects as variables.
- Write code that declares and assigns variables.
- Create and invoke synonyms
- Describe the control-of-flow elements in T-SQL.
- Write T-SQL code using IF…ELSE blocks.
- Write T-SQL code that uses WHILE.
- Implement T-SQL error handling.
- Implement structured exception handling.
- Describe transactions and the differences between batches and transactions.
- Describe batches and how they are handled by SQL Server.
- Create and manage transactions with transaction control language (TCL) statements.
- Use SET XACT_ABORT to define SQL Servers handling of transactions outside TRY/CATCH blocks.
Agenda cursului SQL Server
Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server
Module description
This module introduces SQL Server, the versions of SQL Server, including cloud versions, and how to connect to SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio.
- The Basic Architecture of SQL Server
- SQL Server Editions and Versions
- Getting Started with SQL Server Management Studio
Working with SQL Server Tools
- Working with SQL Server Management Studio
- Creating and Organizing T-SQL Scripts
- Using Books Online
Module 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying
Module description
This module describes the elements of T-SQL and their role in writing queries. Describe the use of sets in SQL Server. Describe the use of predicate logic in SQL Server. Describe the logical order of operations in SELECT statements.
- Introducing T-SQL
- Understanding Sets
- Understanding Predicate Logic
- Understanding the Logical Order of Operations in SELECT statements
Introduction to T-SQL Querying
- Executing Basic SELECT Statements
- Executing Queries that Filter Data using Predicates
- Executing Queries That Sort Data Using ORDER BY
Module 3: Writing SELECT Queries
Module description
This module introduces the fundamentals of the SELECT statement, focusing on queries against a single table.
- Writing Simple SELECT Statements
- Eliminating Duplicates with DISTINCT
- Using Column and Table Aliases
- Writing Simple CASE Expressions
Writing Basic SELECT Statements
- Writing Simple SELECT Statements
- Eliminating Duplicates Using DISTINCT
- Using Column and Table Aliases
- Using a Simple CASE Expression
Module 4: Querying Multiple Tables
Module description
This module describes how to write queries that combine data from multiple sources in Microsoft SQL Server.
- Understanding Joins
- Querying with Inner Joins
- Querying with Outer Joins
- Querying with Cross Joins and Self Joins
Querying Multiple Tables
- Writing Queries that use Inner Joins
- Writing Queries that use Multiple-Table Inner Joins
- Writing Queries that use Self-Joins
- Writing Queries that use Outer Joins
- Writing Queries that use Cross Joins
Module 5: Sorting and Filtering Data
Module description
This module describes how to implement sorting and filtering.
- Sorting Data
- Filtering Data with Predicates
- Filtering Data with TOP and OFFSET-FETCH
- Working with Unknown Values
Sorting and Filtering Data
- Writing Queries that Filter Data using a WHERE Clause
- Writing Queries that Sort Data Using an ORDER BY Clause
- Writing Queries that Filter Data Using the TOP Option
- Write Queries that filter data using the OFFSET-FETCH clause
Module 6: Working with SQL Server Data Types
Module description
This module introduces the data types SQL Server uses to store data.
- Introducing SQL Server Data Types
- Working with Character Data
- Working with Date and Time Data
Working with SQL Server Data Types
- Writing Queries that Return Date and Time Data
- Writing Queries that use Date and Time Functions
- Writing Queries That Return Character Data
- Writing Queries That Return Character Functions
Module 7: Using DML to Modify Data
Module description
This module describes how to create DML queries, and why you would want to.
- Adding Data to Tables
- Modifying and Removing Data
- Generating automatic column values
Using DML to Modify Data
- Inserting Records with DML
- Updating and Deleting Records Using DML
Module 8: Using Built-In Functions
Module description
This module introduces some of the many built in functions in SQL Server.
- Writing Queries with Built-In Functions
- Using Conversion Functions
- Using Logical Functions
- Using Functions to Work with NULL
Using Built-In Functions
- Writing Queries That Use Conversion Functions
- Writing Queries that use Logical Functions
- Writing Queries that Test for Nullability
Module 9: Grouping and Aggregating Data
Module description
This module describes how to use aggregate functions.
- Using Aggregate Functions
- Using the GROUP BY Clause
- Filtering Groups with HAVING
Grouping and Aggregating Data
- Writing Queries That Use the GROUP BY Clause
- Writing Queries that Use Aggregate Functions
- Writing Queries that Use Distinct Aggregate Functions
- Writing Queries that Filter Groups with the HAVING Clause
Module 10: Using Subqueries
Module description
This module describes several types of subquery and how and when to use them.
- Writing Self-Contained Subqueries
- Writing Correlated Subqueries
- Using the EXISTS Predicate with Subqueries
Using Subqueries
- Writing Queries That Use Self-Contained Subqueries
- Writing Queries That Use Scalar and Multi-Result Subqueries
- Writing Queries That Use Correlated Subqueries and an EXISTS Clause
Module 11: Using Table Expressions
Module description
Previously in this course, you learned about using subqueries as an expression that returned results to an outer calling query. Like subqueries, table expressions are query expressions, but table expressions extend this idea by allowing you to name them and to work with their results as you would work with data in any valid relational table. Microsoft SQL Server supports four types of table expressions: derived tables, common table expression (CTEs), views, and inline table-valued functions (TVFs). In this module, you will learn to work with these forms of table expressions and learn how to use them to help create a modular approach to writing queries.
- Using Views
- Using Inline Table-Valued Functions
- Using Derived Tables
- Using Common Table Expressions
Using Table Expressions
- Writing Queries That Use Views
- Writing Queries That Use Derived Tables
- Writing Queries That Use Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
- Writing Queries That Use Inline Table-Valued Expressions (TVFs)
Module 12: Using Set Operators
Module description
This module introduces how to use the set operators UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT to compare rows between two input sets.
- Writing Queries with the UNION operator
- Using APPLY
Using Set Operators
- Writing Queries That Use UNION Set Operators and UNION ALL
- Writing Queries That Use CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY Operators
- Writing Queries That Use the EXCEPT and INTERSECT Operators
Module 13: Using Windows Ranking, Offset, and Aggregate Functions
Module description
This module describes the benefits to using window functions. Restrict window functions to rows defined in an OVER clause, including partitions and frames. Write queries that use window functions to operate on a window of rows and return ranking, aggregation, and offset comparison results.
- Creating Windows with OVER
- Exploring Window Functions
Using Windows Ranking, Offset, and Aggregate Functions
- Writing Queries that use Ranking Functions
- Writing Queries that use Offset Functions
- Writing Queries that use Window Aggregate Functions
Module 14: Pivoting and Grouping Sets
Module description
This module describes write queries that pivot and unpivot result sets. Write queries that specify multiple groupings with grouping sets.
- Writing Queries with PIVOT and UNPIVOT
- Working with Grouping Sets
Pivoting and Grouping Sets
- Writing Queries that use the PIVOT Operator
- Writing Queries that use the UNPIVOT Operator
- Writing Queries that use the GROUPING SETS CUBE and ROLLUP Subclauses
Module 15: Executing Stored Procedures
Module description
This module describes how to return results by executing stored procedures. Pass parameters to procedures. Create simple stored procedures that encapsulate a SELECT statement. Construct and execute dynamic SQL with EXEC and sp_executesql.
- Querying Data with Stored Procedures
- Passing Parameters to Stored procedures
- Creating Simple Stored Procedures
- Working with Dynamic SQL
Executing Stored Procedures
- Using the EXECUTE statement to Invoke Stored Procedures
- Passing Parameters to Stored procedures
- Executing System Stored Procedures
Module 16: Programming with T-SQL
Module description
This module describes how to enhance your T-SQL code with programming elements.
- T-SQL Programming Elements
- Controlling Program Flow
Programming with T-SQL
- Declaring Variables and Delimiting Batches
- Using Control-Of-Flow Elements
- Using Variables in a Dynamic SQL Statement
- Using Synonyms
Module 17: Implementing Error Handling
Module description
This module introduces error handling for T-SQL.
- Implementing T-SQL error handling
- Implementing structured exception handling
Implementing Error Handling
- Redirecting errors with TRY/CATCH
- Using THROW to pass an error message back to a client
Module 18: Implementing Transactions
Module description
This module describes how to implement transactions.
- Transactions and the database engines
- Controlling transactions
Implementing Transactions
- Controlling transactions with BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK
- Adding error handling to a CATCH block
Certificarile oferite
- Interna, tiparita, care atesta absolvirea cu succes a cursului (emitent IT Learning)
- Online, download, care atesta sustinerea cu succes a examenelor online (emitent IT Learning)
- Nationala (calificare “Operator introducere, validare si prelucrare date – cod COR 411301”), in urma examenului sustinut in fata comisiei ANC (emitent Agentia Nationala pentru Calificari, Min. Educatiei si Min. Muncii)
- Europeana, in urma sustinerii examenelor aferente (emitent ECDL)
- Internationala, in urma sustinerii examenului Microsoft Office Specialist – Excel – Core/Expert/Master (emitent Certiport – USA)
Standard de calitate
Conform insusi principiului de baza al Sistemului de management al calitatii, implementat de IT Learning, obiectivul nostru este satisfactia clientului. Pentru atingerea acestui obiectiv, evaluarea calitatii serviciilor livrate este esentiala.
In acest sens va incurajam sa folositi orice cale si metoda de comunicare (feedback la cald si la rece, testimonial scris, telefon, e-mail, blog, forum, retele sociale etc.), pentru a va exprima, nu atat satisfactia pentru calitatea serviciilor noastre, care reprezinta in fapt angajamentul nostru ferm, asumat prin contract, cat mai ales, daca este cazul, insatisfactia de orice fel privind prestatia noastra, care ne va ajuta sa imbunatatim standardul acestor servicii, in beneficiul dvs.
Ce include taxa de participare la curs
Taxa de participare include serviciile de instruire in clasa, cu instructori certificati Microsoft, precum si urmatoarele beneficii, unice in Romania, oferite exclusiv de IT Learning:
- Evaluarea initiala a nivelului dvs. de cunostinte si abilitati, prin completarea online a unui chestionar;
- Suportul de curs in format electronic (manualul “Step by step”, in limba romana, in format text, plus capturile de ecran aferente si prezentarile din timpul cursului in format PowerPoint, precum si workshop-urile de la curs);
- Access pe cel mai mare portal e-learning, dezvoltat de trainerii si consultantii IT Learning, pentru o perioada de 12 luni;
- Evaluarea finala a cunostintelor si abilitatilor practice dobandite in urma absolvirii cursului, prin rezolvarea unui exercitiu complex, in cadrul unui workshop;
- Certificatul de participare, care atesta absolvirea cu succes a cursului;
- Raportul de evaluare, redactat de trainer, in care va fi consemnat progresul dvs., comparand nivelul initial de abilitati, cu cel final;
- Consultanta post-instruire, prin intermediul forumului Comunitatii utilizatorilor MS Office din Romania, in calitatea dvs. de membru.
Inscriere / Facturare / Plata / “Money back guarantee”
- Daca sunteti persoana fizica, sau grup de maxim 5 participanti din partea unei companii, va puteti inscrie doar in clasele noastre deschise, anuntate pe site la pagina “Calendar Cursuri Open“
- Rezervarea locului / locurilor in sala de curs Open se face telefonic (0787.692.238) sau prin e-mail la adresa , in reply urmand sa primiti fisa de inscriere care trebuie completata de dvs. si retrimisa noua impreuna cu datele de facturare
- Urmeaza emiterea facturii, pe care o veti primi tot pe e-mail, in baza careia urmeaza sa efectuati plata (transfer bancar sau depunere numerar in contul IT Learning) si sa ne trimiteti confirmarea aferenta
- Veti primi la randul dvs. confirmarea noastra ferma ca sunteti inscris(a) la cursul respectiv, impreuna cu detaliile organizatorice (orarul cursului, coffee-break, pauza de pranz etc.)
- Urmeaza livrarea cursului, iar la finalul acestuia completarea feedback-ului, conform formularului de evaluare , in baza caruia se poate invoca clauza “Money back guarantee”: “In cazul obtinerii unui nivel de satisfactie mai mic de 75 % , reflectat de formularul de feedback, garantam returnarea taxei de participare sau reluarea cursului fara nici un cost”.
- Daca sunteti persoana juridica si doriti inscrierea unui grup de peste 5 participanti, vom formula o oferta personalizata cu discount de volum, exclusiv pentru compania dvs., conform specificatiilor primite telefonic, prin fax (0371.602.780) sau pe e-mail la adresa
- Dupa acceptarea ofertei (livrabile, costuri, agenda, perioada si locatia organizarii cursului) urmeaza etapa contractuala
- Odata agreata forma finala a contractului de legal-ul partilor, urmeaza semnarea si livrarea efectiva a serviciilor convenite, a caror facturare si plata se va face numai dupa primirea feadback-urilor completate de absolventi la finalul instruirii si numai in virtutea clauzei “Money back guarantee”:”In cazul obtinerii unui nivel de satisfactie mai mic de 75 % , reflectat de formularului atasat , garantam renuntarea la contravaloarea instruirii sau reluarea cursului cu alt trainer, fara nici un cost aditional”)