Introducere curs SQL Server

Acest curs de cinci zile, condus de instructor, ii invata pe cursanti sa implementeze o solutie SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services pentru analiza datelor intr-o organizatie. Cursul dezbate modul de utilizare a instrumentelor de dezvoltare a serviciilor de raportare pentru a crea si gestiona rapoarte si a implementa solutii BI cu auto-servire.

Cursul MOC 10990C: Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services este disponibil pentru versiunile de SQL Server: 2016
831703 euro fara TVA
5 zile x 8 ore/zi
IT Learning
5-7 participanti
-10% rezultand pretul de 748633 euro fara TVA/participant
8-11 participanti
-20% rezultand pretul de 665562 euro fara TVA/participant
> 11 participanti
-30% rezultand pretul de 582492 euro fara TVA/participant
5 zile x 8 ore/zi
IT Learning

La absolvirea cursului SQL Server vei sti:

  • Give a context for Reporting Services.
  • Describe the components of Reporting Services.
  • Explain Reporting Services tools.
  • Describe data sources.
  • Work with connection strings.
  • Describe datasets.
  • Create a report with the report wizard.
  • Create a report using report builder or report designer.
  • Publish a report to reporting services.
  • Filter data in reports
  • Use parameters in reports
  • Format data in reports.
  • Use images and charts in your reports.
  • Use databars, sparklines, and indicators in reports.
  • Explain what a KPI is and how it’s used.
  • Group and sort data in reports.
  • Create report sub-sections.
  • Use drill down and drill through.
  • Explain schedules.
  • Describe report caching, report snapshots, and report comments.
  • Configure report subscriptions.
  • Secure access to reports by using authentication, permissions, and SSL encryption.
  • Use report services configuration manager to reconfigure SSRS servers.
  • Monitor and optimize the performance of SSRS on a given set of server hardware.
  • Work with expressions and embedded code.
  • Extend reporting services functionality with external assemblies.
  • Integrate reporting services with other software.
  • Describe considerations for mobile reports.
  • Prepare data for publication in mobile reports.
  • Use SQL Server mobile report publisher to create mobile reports.
  • Describe how to design and publish mobile reports.
  • Explain how to drillthrough from mobile reports.

Agenda cursului SQL Server

Module 1: Introduction to Reporting Services

Module description

This module introduces Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, its components, and the tools used to work with it.


  • Introduction to reporting services
  • Reporting services components
  • Reporting services tools


Exploring reporting services

  • Exploring reports
  • Reporting services configuration

Module 2: Reporting Services Data Sources

Module description

Almost every report that you publish by using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) will be built using data that’s obtained from one or more source systems. This lesson explains how to configure SSRS to interact with source data systems by working with data sources.


  • Data sources
  • Connection strings
  • Datasets


Configuring data access with report builder

  • Configuring data access with report builder

Configuring data access with report designer

  • Configuring data access with report designer

Module 3: Creating Paginated Reports

Module description

Now that you have learned about BI and data modelling, and how to access data from Report Designer and Report Builder, you need to learn how to create reports. This module shows you how to create different types of reports in both applications, in addition to using the Report Wizard.


  • Creating a report with the report wizard
  • Creating a report
  • Publishing a report


Creating reports

  • Use the report wizard – report designer
  • Use the report wizard – report builder
  • Creating and publishing a report – report designer
  • Creating and publishing a report – report builder

Module 4: Working with Reporting Services Data

Module description

It is common for business requirements to change regarding the information they need and how they want data presented. On viewing a detailed report, senior management might ask for higher level, summarized, or filtered versions of the same report. Report Builder and Report Designer support these scenarios via filtering, sorting, drilldowns, grouping and the parameterizing of reports. In this module, you will see how to use filters and parameters to make reports more dynamic and useful to business users.


  • Data filters
  • Report parameters
  • Implementing report filters and parameters


Create a parameterized report

  • Using parameters in report designer
  • Using parameters in report builder

Module 5: Visualizing Data with Report Services

Module description

As the amount of data being generated continues to grow, the need to make sense of its meaning increases. You use data visualization to make data easier to understand, and faster to interpret. Data visualizations highlight comparisons, show trends, and convey scale much faster than a table of numbers could. The detail is important, but visualizations are a highly effective way of conveying meaning and insights quickly and accurately.


  • Formatting data
  • Images and charts
  • Databars, sparklines, indicators, gauges, and maps


Manage formatting

  • Report designer
  • Report builder

Module 6: Summarizing Report Data

Module description

As the amount of data we need to deal with increases, so does the requirement to manage data by grouping and summarizing. In this module, you will learn how to create group structures, summarize data, and provide interactivity in your reports, so that users see the level of detail or summary that they need.


  • Sorting and grouping
  • Report sub-reports
  • Drilldown and drill through


Summarizing report data

  • Sorting and grouping in report builder
  • Sorting and grouping in report designer

Module 7: Sharing Reporting Services Reports

Module description

When you have published a Reporting Services report, users can view the report interactively. In some situations, it can be advantageous to run reports automatically, either to improve performance through caching and snapshots, or to deliver reports to users—by using e-mail or other mechanisms. To run reports automatically, you need to understand how Reporting Services manages scheduling. This module covers report scheduling, caching and the report life cycle, and automatic subscription and delivery of reports.


  • Schedules
  • Report caching, snapshots, and comments
  • Report subscription and delivery


Sharing reporting services reports

  • Create a shared schedule
  • Configure caching
  • Subscribe to a report

Module 8: Administering Reporting Services

Module description

System administrators take responsibility for the configuration and day-to-day operations of IT systems. In SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), administrative tasks include the configuration of the web portal and web service, branding the web portal, and ensuring that access to sensitive reports is carefully controlled. Administrators also monitor and optimize performance.


  • Administering reporting services
  • Reporting services configuration
  • Reporting services performance


Administering reporting services

  • Authorize access to reports
  • Web portal branding

Module 9: Extending and Integrating Reporting Services

Module description

Although Reporting Services is a powerful tool, its built-in capabilities might not always meet your needs. This module covers the methods for extending the functionality of Reporting Services with expressions and custom code. You will also learn about the methods for working with Reporting Services programmatically, and integrating Reporting Services reports into other applications.


  • Expressions and embedded code
  • Extending reporting services
  • Integrating reporting services


Extending and integrating reporting services

  • Custom code – report designer
  • Custom code – report builder
  • URL access

Module 10: Introduction to Mobile Reports

Module description

This module introduces the design and publication of reports that are intended for consumption on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) includes support for mobile reports, although the tools that are used to design and publish mobile reports are different to the tools used for the paginated reports discussed in the earlier modules of this course.


  • Overview of mobile reports
  • Preparing data for mobile reports
  • Mobile report publisher


Introduction to mobile reports

  • Format data for a mobile report
  • Create a mobile report
  • Create KPIs

Module 11: Developing Mobile Reports

Module description

In this module, you will learn about the element types that you can add to your Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services mobile reports. You will also learn about working with dataset parameters, and how to add drillthrough actions to your reports.


  • Designing and publishing mobile reports
  • Drillthrough in mobile reports


Developing mobile reports

  • Add a dataset with parameters
  • Design a mobile report
  • Publish a mobile report
  • Add a drillthrough to a custom URL

Certificarile oferite

  • Interna, tiparita, care atesta absolvirea cu succes a cursului (emitent IT Learning)
  • Online, download, care atesta sustinerea cu succes a examenelor online (emitent IT Learning)
  • Nationala (calificare “Operator introducere, validare si prelucrare date – cod COR 411301”), in urma examenului sustinut in fata comisiei ANC (emitent Agentia Nationala pentru Calificari, Min. Educatiei si Min. Muncii)
  • Europeana, in urma sustinerii examenelor aferente (emitent ECDL)
  • Internationala, in urma sustinerii examenului Microsoft Office Specialist – Excel – Core/Expert/Master (emitent Certiport – USA)

Standard de calitate

Conform insusi principiului de baza al Sistemului de management al calitatii, implementat de IT Learning, obiectivul nostru este satisfactia clientului. Pentru atingerea acestui obiectiv, evaluarea calitatii serviciilor livrate este esentiala.

In acest sens va incurajam sa folositi orice cale si metoda de comunicare (feedback la cald si la rece, testimonial scris, telefon, e-mail, blog, forum, retele sociale etc.), pentru a va exprima, nu atat satisfactia pentru calitatea serviciilor noastre, care reprezinta in fapt angajamentul nostru ferm, asumat prin contract, cat mai ales, daca este cazul, insatisfactia de orice fel privind prestatia noastra, care ne va ajuta sa imbunatatim standardul acestor servicii, in beneficiul dvs.

Ce include taxa de participare la curs

Taxa de participare include serviciile de instruire in clasa, cu instructori certificati Microsoft, precum si urmatoarele beneficii, unice in Romania, oferite exclusiv de IT Learning:

  • Evaluarea initiala a nivelului dvs. de cunostinte si abilitati, prin completarea online a unui chestionar;
  • Suportul de curs in format electronic (manualul “Step by step”, in limba romana, in format text, plus capturile de ecran aferente si prezentarile din timpul cursului in format PowerPoint, precum si workshop-urile de la curs);
  • Access pe cel mai mare portal e-learning, dezvoltat de trainerii si consultantii IT Learning, pentru o perioada de 12 luni;
  • Evaluarea finala a cunostintelor si abilitatilor practice dobandite in urma absolvirii cursului, prin rezolvarea unui exercitiu complex, in cadrul unui workshop;
  • Certificatul de participare, care atesta absolvirea cu succes a cursului;
  • Raportul de evaluare, redactat de trainer, in care va fi consemnat progresul dvs., comparand nivelul initial de abilitati, cu cel final;
  • Consultanta post-instruire, prin intermediul forumului Comunitatii utilizatorilor MS Office din Romania, in calitatea dvs. de membru.

Inscriere / Facturare / Plata / “Money back guarantee”

  • Daca sunteti persoana fizica, sau grup de maxim 5 participanti din partea unei companii, va puteti inscrie doar in clasele noastre deschise, anuntate pe site la pagina “Calendar Cursuri Open
  • Rezervarea locului / locurilor in sala de curs Open se face telefonic (0787.692.238) sau prin e-mail la adresa , in reply urmand sa primiti fisa de inscriere care trebuie completata de dvs. si retrimisa noua impreuna cu datele de facturare
  • Urmeaza emiterea facturii, pe care o veti primi tot pe e-mail, in baza careia urmeaza sa efectuati plata (transfer bancar sau depunere numerar in contul IT Learning) si sa ne trimiteti confirmarea aferenta
  • Veti primi la randul dvs. confirmarea noastra ferma ca sunteti inscris(a) la cursul respectiv, impreuna cu detaliile organizatorice (orarul cursului, coffee-break, pauza de pranz etc.)
  • Urmeaza livrarea cursului, iar la finalul acestuia completarea feedback-ului, conform formularului de evaluare , in baza caruia se poate invoca clauza “Money back guarantee”: “In cazul obtinerii unui nivel de satisfactie mai mic de 75 % , reflectat de formularul de feedback, garantam returnarea taxei de participare sau reluarea cursului fara nici un cost”.
  • Daca sunteti persoana juridica si doriti inscrierea unui grup de peste 5 participanti, vom formula o oferta personalizata cu discount de volum, exclusiv pentru compania dvs., conform specificatiilor primite telefonic, prin fax (0371.602.780) sau pe e-mail la adresa
  • Dupa acceptarea ofertei (livrabile, costuri, agenda, perioada si locatia organizarii cursului) urmeaza etapa contractuala
  • Odata agreata forma finala a contractului de legal-ul partilor, urmeaza semnarea si livrarea efectiva a serviciilor convenite, a caror facturare si plata se va face numai dupa primirea feadback-urilor completate de absolventi la finalul instruirii si numai in virtutea clauzei “Money back guarantee”:”In cazul obtinerii unui nivel de satisfactie mai mic de 75 % , reflectat de formularului atasat , garantam renuntarea la contravaloarea instruirii sau reluarea cursului cu alt trainer, fara nici un cost aditional”)

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